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Table of contents
  1. Composition
    1. Key Idea
    2. Composition in Typescript
      1. Understanding the Relationship
    3. Summary
  2. Next Step

Key Idea

Using composition, we can build complex objects in order to define new types that has a contains a relationship with some existing type.

Composition in Typescript

So far we have examined classes which contain both data and methods. We can combine classes by including another class as a member of our class

  • Consider the Point class which contains an instance of the color class.
  • Consider the Rect class which contains instances of our color class and 2 point classes

This method of combining classes to produce other classes is known as composition because we are adding classes as members of our new class. This is a powerful tool for building classes, as it allows us to compartmentalize concepts (like color, or point) then use them to build more complex concepts.

Understanding the Relationship

The important thing here is the relationship with composition:

  • In general, if a concept that a class (Class1) represents is a part of another class (Class2), then we add Class1 to Class2 as a member variable (property).
  • We could also say that if Class2 contains Class1,

Note that the instance of Color is inside Point. This makes sense since the point has a Color.

Recognizing the relationship between concepts that are to be represented as Classes is critical to Object Oriented Programming. Here are some simple examples:

  • A Car has a tire. If we have a tire class, we can represent a car by composition. We would add 4 (or 5) tire instances to our car class.
  • A course has a final exam. If we had an exam class, we can represent a course by composition. We would add an instance of our exam class to course.
  • A classroom has desks. If we had a desk class, we can represnet a classroom by composition. We would add 1 or more instances of our desk class to our classroom.
  • A fruit basket has fruit. The following example shows how we use composition to represent a basket of fruit by adding an array of fruit to our basket class.
class Fruit{
  constructor(public type:string,public color:string,public price:number){};
class FruitBasket{
  constructor(private fruits:Fruit[],private basketCost:number){}
  public getPrice(){
    let sum:number=0;
    for (let fruit of this.fruits){
    return sum+this.basketCost;
let basket:FruitBasket=new FruitBasket(
  [new Fruit("apple","red",.50),new Fruit("orange","orange",.92),new Fruit("lemmon","yellow",1.50)],4.00
//expect 6.92

Composition allows us to reuse our fruit class for various types of fruit and combine them into a basket. Our basket can then expose public methods (like getPrice() which have access to the member fruits) to sum up the price of all the fruits, add it to the price of the basket, and return a total price which is dependent on the fruits inside.


Composition gives the programmer the ability to represent a has a or a contains relationship. The relationship is the key to understanding when to use composition over other methods.

Next Step

Next we’ll learn about Inheritance: Inheritance »

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Created by Greg Silber, Austin Cory Bart, James Clause.