BOOTS: Beginner Object-Oriented TypeScript

Let’s learn how to write object-oriented TypeScript code!

  1. Introduction To Typescript
    1. Variables
    2. Functions
    3. Conditionals
    4. Strings
  2. Loops and Arrays
    1. Loops
    2. Arrays
  3. Data Classes
    1. Introduction
    2. Basic Data Classes
    3. Data Class Constructors
    4. Instances and References
    5. This keyword
  4. Classes
    1. Class Methods
    2. Data Hiding
    3. Object Cloning
  5. Composition and Inheritance
    1. Composition
    2. Inheritance
    3. Putting it all Together
  6. Overrides and Polymorphism
    1. Member Access
    2. Overrides
    3. Polymorphism
    4. Abstract Classes
    5. Polymorphism Notes
  7. Exceptions and Code Quality
    1. Exceptions
    3. Naming
    4. General Code Quality
  8. Software Testing
    1. Testing
    2. Testing in Jest
    3. Anonymous Functions
  9. Webz Introduction
    1. Web Basics
    2. Beginning WebZ
  10. Advanced WebZ
    1. Dynamic Components
    2. WebZ Events
    3. WebZ Dialogs
    4. WebZ Timers
  11. Advanced Typescript
    1. Typescript Generics
    2. Typescript Interfaces
    3. Union Types
  12. Higher Order Methods
    1. Higher Order Array Methods
  13. Recursion
    1. Description and Definition of Recursion
    2. Trees

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Created by Greg Silber, Austin Cory Bart, James Clause.